It's a right old mix here. There'll be punk and pop and soul and weirdness. There'll be greatness and there'll unintentional comedy. There'll be peculiar cover versions and one-hit (or no-hit) wonders.
It will range from the 1950s to the 1990s with, I suspect, a bias towards 1980ish-1992ish, my prime record buying years. I'll add summat new every couple of weeks.
That's the plan, anyway.
How It Works
To download the track, right-click on the link at the end of each posting, then select Save Target As and put it somewhere on your hard drive. (If you're a Mac user, you control-click).
If you can be arsed, please leave a comment. I like it when people do that.
All MP3s are encoded at 192kbps.
Deleted tracks
Due to server space, older tracks get removed to make way for new ones. I'll leave everything up as long as possible, and will leave the write-ups on the blog permanently.
If you want me to email you a deleted MP3, leave your email address in the Comments for the track. I'll send you a link to download the track (so it won't overload your inbox). Watch out for an email from with the subject ' - You have a file waiting'.
There's no catch with using Transferbigfiles, but if you'd prefer another proxy or to have the MP3 sent directly to you, say so when you leave your addess.
Once I've sent your track, I'll delete your address from the Comments so it can't be harvested by spam bastards. So if you're going to say anything interesting or flattering, put it in a different post so it doesn't get deleted.
This blog is about giving attention to records that deserve it. I've no wish to deny any artist royalties for their work, but for most of this stuff there are no royalties to be had any more. Almost every track here is long deleted and commercially unavailable.
If you like the track then I urge you to buy work that the artist has done in a similar vein. If you're the copyright holder of a featured track and want it removed, just ask.
Love it!!
Have you come across the single of Charles Randolph Grean Sounde - The $128,000 Question? I have been searching for that one! Thanks!
Anonyperson, sorry, this is the only single I've got by them.
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